Disclaimer: Please note the description below the blog title. 'Nuff said.
The intention of this blog is to document the miniatures that I have painted (and to not have to scroll through my phone to find a half painted miniature [if I'm lucky] when I want to show someone a miniature that I have painted), and maybe talk about the RPG's and board games that I play.
Most of the miniatures that I am painting right now come from FFG's Star Wars Imperial Assault line. I received the game as a present for Christmas (you would have thought that I was six years old, the amount of hollering and crying I did leading up to the holiday) when it first released and was stoked to have new Star Wars miniatures (apparently having the old WEG and WOTC miniatures were not enough) for the Star Wars RPG that I run.
However, I didn't get around to begin painting those miniatures until the beginning of this year, after playing the Imperial Assault's Skirmish Mode (which is an easy to learn, small scale one on one tactical war game where you need to obtain 40 victory points. Usually
through a combination of destroying your enemies units and completing objectives.). Currently a few friends and I participate in a local weekly Imperial Assault Skirmish League. Although it's not so much a league as it is a place where people get together and have a good time man handling tiny Rodians. It's a lot of fun and you should check it out.
Although completely unnecessary, I'll probably start posting the miniatures in order of their completion. Once I take pictures of them. I haven't gotten that far yet. Don't judge me. Whatever. Go back to your live/dead journal.